Producer Prerna Arora Includes Intimacy Coordination Clause in Contract: Prioritizing the Boundaries and Dignity is Necessary 

Producer Prerna Arora Adds Intimacy Coordination Clause in Contract: Prioritizing the Boundaries and Dignity is Necessary

Team FC

Producer Prerna Arora is believed to be the maiden film producer to include an intimacy coordination clause in the legal contracts of actors. She highlighted the need for creating a respectful and supportive environment on the sets and emphasized the requirement of formalizing such protocols with regards to intimate scenes. She focused on bringing a ‘standardized approach to handle intimate scenes’, not only to protect the actors but also to shed light on professionalism and accountability.

"Given the recent activism in the global film industry, there is a need to bring up a protocol for managing intimate scenes during filming. By formalizing these guidelines, we will not only safeguard the well-being of our talents but also establish a benchmark for professionalism within our fraternity,” Arora said.

She further added, “Prioritizing the boundaries and dignity of all individuals on set is necessary for creating a safe and professional work environment. By formalizing the role of intimacy coordinators and implementing protocols, it is our bid to empower everyone on set, while also fostering a culture of professionalism."

By introducing such clause and legalizing the presence of intimacy coordinators on Arora emphasizes setting boundaries and creating a respectful and healthy atmosphere.

Her upcoming project Hero Heeroine starring Divya Khosla Kumar is directed by Suresh Krissna. She also has Abhishek Jaiswal’s Hindi language revenge drama Dunk: Once Bitten Twice Shy in the pipeline.