6 Reasons To Watch Berlin on Netflix

Team FC

A Spinoff of Everyone's Favourite Show

Money Heist is one of the most-watched and most-loved shows of all time and this new series is a spinoff of the same show, with another exciting heist happening this time.

The Comeback of a Popular Character

The red outfit-wearing heist gang had won everyone's hearts and this spinoff is centred on the backstory of one of them - Berlin, the arrogant but charming criminal mastermind.

Introduction of New Characters

The spinoff series has a slew of new and refreshing additions to the Money Heist universe with different attributes like the introverted hacker Keila or Damián, the Professor-like figure to Berlin among others.

A Heartwarming Treatment

Deviating from the dark and violent tone of the original, the makers have this time experimented with adding some comedy and lighthearted moments in the spinoff.

Large-scale Production & Picturesque Location

Owing to the enormous success of Money Heist, Berlin has been mounted on a large scale and this time the story is set in the romantic location of Paris.

Compelling Performances

The new additions to the cast of the Money Heist universe have given some wonderful performances, along with Pedro Alonso who has been consistently killing it as Berlin, every season.

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