7 Best Stand-Up Comedy To Stream on YouTube

Team FC

Princess - Shreeja Chaturvedi

Queen of Wit. Shreeja Chaturvedi’s princess proves that her superiority complex is working in her favor. Her mother is a teacher but she definitely is the principal of the Indian comedy scene.

The Big Bhaang Story - Devesh Dixit

Devesh’s comedy is unpredictable and hits you with the greatest punches. Max storytelling. Max laughter. Also Check out School Rivalry, Komzor shikari and Bandar by Devesh Dixit.

It’s My Birthday - Sumit Anand

Sumit Anand’s It’s my birthday has a cult following already. It’s Dark, Witty,absurd, free flowing and Perfect. “Once upon a time in my dumb life” proves that Sumit can make you laugh at things you usually don’t laugh on.

Ek Haseena Thi - Anshu Mor

Anshu Mor’s 3 part special on his love story is what you’ve been expecting from all the rom-com movies you’ve been banging your head on. It will make you fall in love, cry, and laugh out loud. Yes, it’s Anshu Mor not Zakir Khan ;)

Jealous of Sabziwala - Abhishek Upmanyu

Abhishek Upmanyu has released not just 1 but 2 stand up specials on YouTube. Jealous of Sabziwala and Employee no.1. It’s Super Funny and for Free. Abhishek is one of the most creative minds with a perspective you want to get more of.

Massage - Aaditya Kulshreshth

Aaditya Kulshreshth's comedy bits "Massage" and "Girl Friend" will make you laugh. That's a given. But what's more to it is how unique Aaditya's connect is to his audience. It is highly relatable with the young audience. He owns his experiences and gives it to you with love.

Door Khadi Sharmaye - Prashasti Singh

Prashasti Singh’s "Door Khadi Sharmaye" is a 3 part special and it is really special. Prashasti Describes her story of teenage hormonal imbalance that we think is love. It’s the story of every College girl that we think we know but we don’t. Hat’s off Prashasti.

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