7 Iconic Characters Played By Boman Irani

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Dr. JC Asthana - Munna Bhai M.B.B.S.

Dr. Asthana is a stern and authoritarian dean of a medical college. Boman Irani's portrayal of this character in "Munna Bhai M.B.B.S." is iconic for its comedic and yet realistic depiction of a strict and no-nonsense authority figure.

Viru Sahastra Buddhe / Virus - 3 Idiots

He is the strict and demanding director of an engineering college. What makes Virus iconic is his memorable dialogue delivery, mannerisms, and the way he symbolizes the pressures and expectations in the Indian education system.

Principal - Main Hoon Na

As the Principal, Boman Irani brings a mix of humor and warmth to the character. His interactions with the protagonist, played by Shah Rukh Khan, and his comedic portrayal of keeping a secret and saluting Major Ram make the character memorable.

Tammy - Happy New Year

Tammy is a key character in the heist comedy film. Boman Irani's portrayal adds a touch of eccentricity to the character with the Bag with infinite products and temporary migraines at times contributing to the overall comedic atmosphere of the film.

Batook Patel - Housefull Series

Batuk Patel is a recurring character in the "Housefull" film series. Boman Irani's comedic timing and ability to effortlessly switch between serious and funny moments make Batuk Patel memorable.

Kishan Khurana - Khosla Ka Ghosla

In this critically acclaimed film, Boman Irani plays Kishan Khurana, a cunning and opportunistic land grabber. His performance adds depth to the character, making him a memorable antagonist in the story.

DCP De Silva - Don

In an action-packed role, Boman Irani plays a police officer. Boman Irani's versatility as an actor allows him to convincingly portray characters in various genres, including action, showcasing his range and adaptability.

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