Before Peaky Blinders - Great British Gangster Films

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Brighton Rock (1948)

Richard Attenborough starred as a gangster in this noir which narrates the doings of an amateur sleuth into a murder by a career criminal.

Get Carter (1971)

Michael Caine starred in this film about a London gangster who, suspicious of the circumstances around his brother's death, investigates the matter for himself.

Villain (1971)

Richard Burton headlined this film, playing a London mob boss who crosses an invisible line when he decides to blackmail Members of Parliament.

The Long Good Friday (1980)

Bob Hoskins and Helen Mirren starred in this London-set gangster film that dealt with many of Britain's political and social issues from the 1970s.

Snatch (2000)

Multiple nefarious no-good-doers wind up in one another's arms in this crackling crime comedy by Guy Ritchie that built on the success of his debut feature Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels.

Sexy Beast (2000)

Jonathan Glazer cast Ray Winstone in this film about a retired gangster who is brought back into the game by someone who wants to rob a bank.

Layer Cake (2004)

Matthew Vaughn switched from production to direction with this biting comedic gangster film that made Daniel Craig's case for Bond stronger.

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NEXT: 7 Finest Gangster Movies of Indian Cinema

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