Movie Endings That Made Us All Cry

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Titanic (1997)

We always knew that the ship was sinking, but when Jack and Rose were finally stranded at sea and Jack had to sacrifice himself for Rose who was floating on a door, it was a heartbreaking moment in cinematic history.

The Fault in our Stars (2014)

Hazel, battling thyroid-cancer, found happiness in her bleak life after a romance bloomed with Augustus in her support group. Him passing away was a moment where most of us would have shed tears.

La La Land (2016)

While it was never going to be a traditional happy musical, the ending was devastating, which showcased a beautiful life of love for the protagonists, only for it to be an imagination of what could have been. True love is pain.

Dead Poet's Society (1989)

Neil, along with all of Mr. Keating's students, realised the importance of being free to live their lives. But when his parents had chartered a course for Neil that strayed far from his interests, he tragically suicides, shocking all the students and the audience.

Brokeback Mountain (2005)

A story of unbreakable love between 2 men even when the world isn't accepting of their love. Ennis learns of Jack's death and suspects foul play, and as he walks to his closet, he says the iconic "Jack, I swear," with tears in both his and our eyes.

A Star is Born (2018)

Ally is grief-stricken after Jack's suicide. The closing scenes reveal a flashback of Jack working on a song about his love for Ally, which he never finished writing.

My Girl (1991)

Veda doesn't have much in her life, with a deceased mother and a father who doesn't pay attention to her. What she did have is a teasing yet close friendship with Jay, which makes it all the more tragic when he passes away. "He can't see without his glasses." :(

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